Thursday, March 29, 2012

Galileo, Remote Controlled iPhone Mount...WOWSER

I tend not to write too much about tech stuff here, but this was TOOOO COOL not to post.  Check out Galileo, an amazing new accessory for the iPhone.  Remote mount controlled from an iPad or computer this will allow better video presence everywhere.  Set to be released at the end of April, if you contribute $85 beforehand, you can get your hands on one in either black or white (almost a $50 discount off expected retail price).

Check out the video below and DEF check out their KickStarter for more info

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Underwater Beauty

Photographer and Marine Biologiost Alexander Semenov shoots amazing and colorful shots of underwater sealife.  See a few below & DEF check out his website more.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Walk the Moon...ROCKS

Walk the Moon, EchoPlex, Mon 3/19

Ok so I saw this great band, Walk the Moon...again, and even after seeing them probably 4 or 5 times in the last year, they still seem to put on a show where the energy levels shoot thru the roof.  So much jumping around and singing, well worth it for ANYONE who finds themselves in the same city as these Ohio natives.  The dudes are beyond humble and nice, and their music just makes me want to dance.

Check out a video from their MTVu Woodies performance below and DEF check out their music...Pop rock GREATNESS

Check out their site for more music/tour dates and good stuff

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kadavre Exquis, Illustrator and Animator

François Grumelin-Sohn, or Kadavre Exquis as he goes by in the arts world, is a French animator and illustrator living and working in the Netherlands.  Really rich landscapes and backgrounds coupled with surreal stories.  He just released Childhood of a Circle, a short animation, but also check out a music video he animated for Vassili, and go to his site for more cool stuff.

Childhood of a Circle, 2012

Vassili, 2011

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hunter S Thompson& Kafka Inspired Advert WATCH

Wowser is all I can say.  Check out this advertisement by Buck Studios for New Zealand company, Good Books.  Not sure Hunter S Thompson would have endorsed it, maybe, but the animation is amazing...WATCH IT FULL SCREEN:)