Thursday, January 19, 2012

Space Photography

New extraordinary images of space were released over the last week.  They are pictures of 2 different Nebulas.  The 1st being called "The Eye of God" or Helix Nebula and "The Pillars of Creation" or Eagle Nebula.  Both were shot using infra-red technology.  Both are out of this world:)  See a preview below and click the links for more details and info.

Space is beyond cool.
The Helix Nebula (Eye of God)

The Eagle Nebula (Pillars of Creation)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Art in SF this WKND, GO GO GO

If you live in SF, you DEF need to check out a exhibit opening at the Spoke Art Gallery on Sutter street.  Its curated by Ken Harman who runs an amazing art blog, Supersonic Electronic .  The show features a ton of young artists with amazing talents....Seriously you should check it out if you are local in anyway.  And if you don't get a chance, just peruse the blog for some inspiring works.

Word, see flyer below or check the links for more info