Friday, December 30, 2011

Visual Pollution...Its Everywhere

One of the things I LOVED about growing up in a smaller suburban town was the lack of billboards...These days we are inundated with visual pollution whether we wish to partake or not.  "This Space Available" is a new documetary that addresses this issue with public space.  Check out this clip from the Brian Lehrer Live NYC show as he interviews Executive Producer and Marketing Guru Marc Gobe, and his daughter and the director of the film Gwenalle Gobe.

Check out their webpage for more info about screenings and the film

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

Neon Night Surfing on Bondi Beach

Bringing in Summer with style (remember they are on opposite seasons down unda, so they are just starting their summer rather than their winter....)

Strongbow and a bunch of surfers with neon attachments make waves...and a sweet video


Wednesday, December 7, 2011